Friends and Idols: A SoundCloud Set

Continuing to experiment with the new SoundCloud. I created a set with a few of my tracks in it alongside some friends’ and acquantainces’ tracks (and a couple mixes). Suddenly my play counts have skyrocketed (by the count on the player) although the stats page doesn’t reflect it yet. Perhaps SoundCloud is recommending the set, or tracks within it, as being related to other tracks they may be listening to. In any case this probably gets more plays for everybody who’s included.

So far it includes tracks from Steve Cowan (i.e. me – “nebula”), Arthur Oskan, E.R.A., Hawkeye and Cosmosuave, plus sets from Mike Gibbs and Sarah Shaw-Cowan. A good cross-section of Friends and Idols.

[update 2012-12-20: added two tracks by Flim]

Here’s the set. I will likely continue to add to it.

MIN and DEEP and Eric Prydz

Blogged here only for posterity.

Back in September, Sarah asked me to help her with a graphic to use as a Facebook cover image to help promote her Deep House / Deep Techno event series in Toronto, “Some Like It Deep”. So I suggested we take this brushed aluminum stereo volume knob image that she had found, with a printed scale from “MIN” to “MAX” – but we should change “MAX” to “DEEP”. She liked the idea, so after a few minutes of photoshopping I provided her with this:

Control knob scaled "MIN" to "DEEP"

min-deep.jpg - originally to promote the "Some Like it Deep" event series. (Click to enlarge)

A “Deep” Meme Is Born!

Eric Prydz's Facebook Page with nebula graphic

Erick Prydz Facebook Page, a couple hours later! (Click to Enlarge)

Sarah loved it and used it as her cover photo. I rather liked how the seamless extrusion turned out on the sides, and its dimensions were tailored to perfectly fit the 851×315 cover photo spec. A few hours (and presumably a few shares) later, it appeared on Eric Prydz’s page as his cover image as well!

Now the pic is all over the place, on Facebook pages, tumblr and peppered through Google Images searches.

Enjoy the image, and feel free to use it where you like. I’m proud of it. i only feel bad that the original “MIN MAX” image is uncredited, but I have no idea where it got ripped from.  Information wants to be deep.