I posted this on a forum in response to somebody with a Korg MS-20 and plans to add more modular stuff. I think it is a good quick primer. I’ll update this with more information when I get some time …

Be aware the MS-20 doesn’t play particularly nice with a lot of modular stuff, at least not without some coaxing.

The MS-20 uses S-triggers (closures) for gates, while the Eurorack world generally uses V-triggers (+5V). It is super easy to go from v-trig to s-trig using a simple adaptor, but going the other way requires a more costly conversion.

Also, the pitch CV output from the MS-20 is Hz/V (linear) while Eurorack is 1V/oct (exponential). This means that notes you play on the MS-20 will not translate to the same intervals on Eurorack. You can bring Eurorack V/oct into the MS-20’s modulation input and adjust the modulation amount and tuning – it will track quite well, but musically controlling Eurorack oscillators from the MS-20 again requires conversion.

There are modules that do all of these conversions quite well. But you need to know this stuff if you want to hook up your MS to anything else, including 0-coast.

Finally: the MS’s envelopes and LFO will work to modulate Eurorack stuff with no trouble.

Guilty synth pleasures #1: “The Sneaky Panther”

IN the style of Jean-Jacque Perrey and a zillion other “Moog” artists from the late 1960s and early 1970s, “Synthmania” has posted this most excellent piece using his synthesizers.com modular. This silly little ditty is unashamedly nostalgic and more than a little playful, and the author even shares a little explanation of how it was created. Enjoy.

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Liquid High Hat rev.3 PCBs $15

I’ve been wanting to build this interesting voltage-controlled noise source for a while, and now boards are available from hexinverter.net for a modest $15.

From the site:

The Liquid High Hat is a voltage controlled noise module designed by Ryk John Miller Thekreator. It is capable of producing high-hat sounds, but is also usable for other noise generation via control voltage. It is designed to run on 9/12/15V split supply, so should work with most any modular setup. It is comprised of very common parts, so there is no need for hunting down obscure/rare parts.

Hex Inverter Electronics has designed a circuit board for this cool project, to make it available for everyone.

UPDATE: Matrixsynth posted a demo video (not the greatest demo but you’ll get the idea)