Nebula Becomes STEVE COEN for Future Releases and Bookings.

What’s in a name?

For 15 years I’ve used the name “nebula” as a performing and recording artist.

Now I have the opportunity to release some recorded music, and I must face the reality that my stage name doesn’t suit me any more. In 1996 I started calling myself “nebula” when I was producing an ill-fated hip hop act. Then in 1997, I was half of a live electronic duo called “infindebula”. Ironically, the other half of the duo had named us that without even knowing I had been calling myself “nebula”. It seemed like fate. I became “nebula from infindebula”.

A few years later I joined Jason Prine in another live electronic duo. We decided to concatenate our names with a simple dot, and “PRiNE.nebula” was the result.

After all these projects ran their course, I found myself producing strange techno music and performing. I still used the name “nebula” on all promotional material.

More recently, I have found myself appearing on lineups with more accomplished artists, most of whom use their real name, or at least a human-sounding name. Considering that and the fact that there are other artists recording as “nebula”, it was time for a change. I may continue to use “nebula” for specific (or nostalgic) projects, but from this time forward, my bookings and recordings will bear the name…


a brief rant about the Soundcloud community

I have posted numerous original productions to SoundCloud.

The three tracks I presently have on line have been played 325 times, with 8 comments posted. That means less than one in every 40 people will share their opinion with an unsigned, hard-working music creator who offers his music up for nothing.

My latest submission, Andromeda has had 61 plays and has been “favorited” 5 times. That suggests that one in every 12 people listening to the track think it’s interesting enough to put into their favorites. But after about 2 months, it has not received a single comment. Not one bit of constructive or destructive criticism, no hate mail, no attaboys … nothing.


I thought the whole point of SoundCloud and its “timed comment” mechanism is to allow producers to receive important feedback about works in progress. It has turned into a YouTube for music, a free music-on-demand service with a particularly great selection of underground beats. The listeners are consumers who expect to get music for free and offer nothing in exchange for the hard, thankless work of underground producers.